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民政事务总署 大学Ombuds

我们提供教师, 教职员与研究生的非正式交流, 保密, neutral and independent resource to address concerns or questions openly without fear of retaliation or judgment.

The 大学监察专员办公室 launched in February 2018 in response to recommendations from the University Senate Committee on Women’s Concerns and the Chancellor’s Workgroup on Diversity and Inclusion.

它提供大学职员, faculty and graduate students a place to go outside of formal institutional channels, 比如人力资源, 平等机会、包容和解决服务办公室, 大学法律顾问或风险管理办公室, to address work-related concerns or questions openly and without fear of retaliation or judgment.


The 大学监察专员办公室 differs from other 正式的办公室, 比如人力资源办公室, 平等机会、包容和解决服务办公室, 大学顾问办公室, 或风险管理——这些办公室可以调查情况, 利用决策,执行和设置策略. 也, 正式的办公室, 比如人力资源, offer informal conversations and mediation but the discussions may not be considered 保密.

While the ombuds has no authority to take formal action in response to complaints, the ombuds may provide the visitor with relevant information or help to identify formal options available to them in order to move toward resolution.

Neil Powless站在语言大厅前.


尼尔·鲍利斯(Neal Powless)是08届毕业生,担任该校的校务主任. 鲍尔斯是博士.D. 美国候选人.I. 纽豪斯公共传播学院. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology at Nazareth College and a master’s degree in counseling at 澳门线上赌场. 国家注册咨询师, Powless previously served as assistant director of the Native Student Program in the Office of Multicultural Affairs and a career counselor with the Center for Career Services.



All communications and inquiries are 保密 to the extent permitted by law. The office will not disclose identities of visitors to the office or the contents of conversations.


的ombuds operates independently of existing administrative structures and processes and is free of any interference or influence from the University or University administrators.


Ombuds的员工是中立的, 公正的, 为大学员工和研究生提供第三方资源. They do not take sides for or against any individual, cause or position.


该办事处只提供非正式协助. 它不能发起正式调查, 诉讼程序或纪律处分程序, 它也不能裁决案件或改变/废除任何规则, 政策或行政决定. It is designed to complement—rather than duplicate—existing grievance procedures.


  • Concern with a specific University process or confusion about a policy
  • Having difficulties working or communicating with a supervisor, professor or team
  • 应对一个可能的道德困境
  • 在艰难的对话中寻求指导
  • 了解解决问题的正式流程
  • 获取其他大学资源
  • 处理与同事或同学的特定冲突
  • Needing to address a performance issue with a direct report or a student in class


  • 仔细倾听,不带评判
  • 解释大学的政策和程序
  • Help employees and graduate students explore and evaluate options on how to proceed
  • Refer employees and graduate students to appropriate University resources
  • Coach employees and graduate students on effective communication tactics and other means of de-escalating and resolving interpersonal conflicts
  • Engage in facilitated conversation or conflict management, where appropriate


Undergraduate students are encouraged to continue to avail themselves of the various existing informal and formal processes and services at the University (e.g., 学生援助办公室, 咨询中心, 亨德瑞教堂, 卫生服务, 机会均等办公室, Inclusion and Resolution Services) to address and resolve issues that might otherwise be handled by the ombuds for employees or graduate students.


取自瑞典语“Ombudsman”, 大致翻译成“代表”,” the Ombuds provides fair and equitable services and guidance to faculty, 教职员和研究生. Ombuds通常被称为“人民的耳朵”.”

大学校友会提供了一个非正式的, 保密, neutral and independent resource to address concerns or questions openly without fear of retaliation or judgment from managers or peers.


  • 一个安全的地方,以帮助教师, 教职员和研究生 with matters that affect their individual experiences, 包括就业问题, 伦理问题和人际纠纷
  • 指导大学的政策和程序
  • 为每个访问者提供一系列选择, 这可能包括简单的倾听, 通信技术, 重构问题, developing options together and referrals to other offices or resources
  • Workshops and presentations to individual offices and units that can highlight conflict-resolution techniques

的ombuds may take any number of steps to responsibly address concerns raised, 包括以下方式:

  • Educating employees and graduate students on effective methods of de-escalating and resolving interpersonal conflicts
  • Referring employees and graduate students to other University offices or services
  • Coaching individuals in written and in-person 通信技术
  • 解释或澄清大学的政策
  • 协助个人确定个人目标
  • 参与促进对话或解决冲突

The University ombuds does not share any information from 保密 conversations with University faculty, 教职员或研究生, 除非有“迫在眉睫的伤害风险”.” 的ombuds does not keep any permanent records relating to 保密 conversations.

的ombuds, 谁直接和财政大臣沟通, provides 保密 general reports to the Chancellor only to identify trends, advocates for systemic change in needed areas and shares the pulse of campus.

The work of the ombuds helps further promote a supportive, respectful and inclusive campus community.

电子邮件 或打电话 315.443.1087 请求一个保密的约会. 在你的邮件中不包含任何机密信息吗.


韦弗利大街111号. 001套房

如果你发邮件, please include only your meeting request; do not include any 保密 information in your email. Details about your particular concern will be discussed during your 保密 appointment.

的ombuds is available to schedule in-person and phone appointments during business hours and in the evening to accommodate the variety of working and class schedules of University faculty, 教职员和研究生. 预约也可以安排在校外的其他地点.